[X2Go-User] X2Go: The Gathering 2018 (2018-11-09 - 2018-11-11) will take place at Stuttgart's hackerspace "shackspace"
Stefan Baur
2018-10-11 17:24:05 UTC
Dear $ALL,

As stated in the subject line, X2Go: The Gathering 2018 will take place
at Stuttgart's hackerspace "shackspace", from Friday afternoon,
2018-11-09, to Sunday afternoon/evening, 2018-11-11.

So, only a little more than 4 weeks from now.

X2Go: The Gathering is the annual event where users, admins, and
developers of X2Go meet face to face, to discuss current X2Go-related
issues, fix open bugs, and have a good time getting to know each other.
As there is some overlap between X2Go, Arctica, and ORCA e.V., you can
expect to see members of those groups as well.

Food and beverages are available on-site at low cost.

What will cost you money is if you need a place to sleep - we have a few
hotels/hostels that we recommend; If you want to take part, and need a
hostel/hotel room, please contact me at <X2Go-ML-***@baur-itcs.de> ASAP,
so we can find a hostel/hotel room for you.
Prices currently range from about 31 EUR (cheapest single-bed hostel
bedroom) to about 80 EUR (single-bed hotel room), but these may change
(increase!) as we get closer to the event date, so please book early if
you can!

However, this year, attendance *at the actual event* is free for
everyone, as the venue is not charging us for using their facilities.
Please *do* shoot me a quick e-mail (you can reach me at
<x2go-ml-***@baur-itcs.de>) if you intend to attend, so we have an
approximate idea of how many people we need to expect, whether you need
a place to stay or not, will be around for breakfast/lunch/dinner, etc. etc.

Further information regarding the event, like suggestions on how to
travel to shackspace, and where the nearest suitable hostels/hotels are
located, can be found at
<https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2018> - we will be
updating this page whenever new information becomes available, so please
monitor it closely if you plan to attend.

We currently have one sponsor for the event - https://cfd.direct - that
has pledged 500 EUR (plus VAT), like last year, and we appreciate it
very much.
Sadly, they are so far our only sponsor this year, so if you know
someone willing and able to co-sponsor the event, please let me know at
<X2Go-ML-***@baur-itcs.de>. Whether they wish to send us some "swag" with
their company branding, or pledge money that we can use to lower dining
and lodging costs for our participants, their sponsorship is greatly

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschrÀnkt)
GeschÀftsfÌhrer: Stefan Baur
EichenÀckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243